





“在当前社会环境下,无论作为个人还是企业公民,我们都感受到助力公益事业的紧迫性。贝恩承诺在公益咨询服务方面投资体现了我们选择实现社会价值的方式:我们将用最好的人才和战略资源,与社会创新机构一起联手解决最棘手的全球化社会性问题,并从经济、社会和环境等方面为我们的客户创造最高的价值。” 贝恩公司大中华区总裁、全球董事会成员韩微文表示。

当前,管理咨询行业及其服务的各行各业,包括私募、金融、消费品、医疗、科技等行业普遍认识到,未来企业的目标必然高于股东价值最大化。在贝恩公司全球总裁曼尼·马瑟达(Manny Maceda)的领导下,贝恩公司对咨询顾问在社会中的角色进行了重新构思,并于40年来首次修改公司宗旨,在聚焦为客户创造最高价值的同时,全方位关注经济、社会和环境方面的价值。

在这一目标下,贝恩公司大中华区从公司层面为员工提供参与公益事业的正式机会,例如开展公益咨询项目、设立全球外派机制等。贝恩自2007年起成为壹基金(One Foundation)的战略合作伙伴,为其多项工作提供公益咨询。我们还曾为阿拉善SEE基金会和生态协会、母亲的选择(Mother's Choice)、蝴蝶之家(Butterfly Children's Hospices)等机构提供战略咨询,助力环境、儿童和教育等多个社会公益领域。


此外,贝恩公司还与联合之路(United Way)共同发布《中国互联网慈善:激发个人捐赠热情》报告,旨在帮助慈善事业各方参与者应制定全面的数字化战略,助力慈善事业在中国的发展。




在全球范围内,贝恩主要关注两大关键问题:如何为缺乏关爱的儿童和青少年提供更好的未来,以及如何促进经济的包容性和可持续增长。为此,贝恩公司与AcumenEndeavorAccionThe Nature ConservancyKIPPTeach for America等一批全球领先的社会创新机构建立了长期合作关系。

尽管这些机构在社会变革领域已经取得了一定成功,但他们鲜少接触到像贝恩提供的战略咨询服务,来帮助他们发挥最大潜力。通过与这些机构的合作,贝恩协助在巴西引进了全日制中等教育制度,在埃塞俄比亚设计了一流的农业综合业务加速平台,并帮助全球最大的环保公益组织之一推出了具有革命性的市场化人工造林方法。贝恩公司还在20多年前帮助建立了The Bridgespan Group。如今,该机构已经成为一家全球领先的非营利管理咨询公司,为大型非营利机构、基金会和慈善家提供咨询服务。


在工作中,贝恩致力于协助我们的客户不断提升可持续发展和企业社会责任感。例如,贝恩协助了“终结塑料垃圾联盟”(Alliance to End Plastic Waste)的成立,30多家大型公司共同承诺在未来5年内投资15亿美元用于减少和消除塑料垃圾对环境的影响,尤其是河流和海洋中的塑料垃圾。



According to Bain & Company's latest Social Impact Report, 70 percent of its 8,000 employees have participated in social impact work in the last year, uniting behind the firm's commitment to invest $1 billion in pro bono consulting by 2025

New York – April 30, 2019 – Bain & Company has committed to invest $1 billion in pro bono consulting for social causes by 2025, and the firm's 8,000 global employees have rallied behind this goal – a full 70 percent have participated in some form of social impact work over the past year.  This is according to Bain & Company's latest Social Impact Report, released today, which highlights the investments the firm has made over the last year, as a part of this broader goal.

Under the leadership of Manny Maceda, Bain & Company's worldwide managing partner, the firm is reimagining the role of management consultants in society.  For the first time in 40 years, Bain & Company has changed its mission statement. Still focused on creating “the highest levels of value” for its clients, it notes a comprehensive emphasis on economic, social and environmental value in its aims. This indicates a growing acknowledgement among management consulting firms and the global industries they serve —including private equity, finance, consumer products, healthcare, and technology—that the purpose of business must go beyond a singular focus on maximizing shareholder value.

“As we grow as a firm, we remain committed to our mission of creating value – economic, social, and environmental – for all our clients, whether they operate in the private sphere or in the social sector,” Mr. Maceda.  “Not only is this the right thing to do, but it mobilizes the best gift we can give – our global talent and strategic capability – to help solve some of the world's biggest problems.”

The way Bain & Company approaches its social impact work is distinctive. In 2015, the firm made a $1 billion commitment to invest in pro bono consulting over the next 10 years to address some of the world's biggest problems and deliver transformative social impact.  The firm focuses on two critical issues: improving the futures of underserved children and youth, and fostering inclusive and sustainable economic growth. To address these issues, Bain & Company has built enduring partnerships with some of the world's leading social innovators such as Acumen, Endeavor, Accion, The Nature Conservancy, KIPP, and Teach for America, among others.  These are organizations that have pioneered successful models of social change, but often lack access to the type of strategic consulting that Bain & Company can provide to help them reach their full potential.

Through these partnerships, the firm has supported the introduction of full-time secondary education in Brazil, designed a first-of-its-kind agribusiness accelerator platform in Ethiopia, and helped the largest global environmental nonprofit launch a revolutionary market-oriented approach to reforestation.

“Our $1 billion pro bono commitment is a declaration of who we are and how we have chosen to live our values,” said Vikki Tam, head of Bain & Company's global Social Impact practice.  “With recent social and political realities, the urgency and moral imperative for us to engage and give back—as individuals and as a corporate citizen—have only become greater.”

Additionally, nearly two decades ago, Bain & Company helped incubate The Bridgespan Group, which is now a leading 501(c)3 management consulting firm advising large non-profits, foundations and philanthropists.

Recognizing that social and environmental challenges are growing, timelines for addressing them are contracting, and companies are scrambling to adapt, Bain & Company is also helping to drive sustainability and corporate responsibility for its private-sector clients.  For example, the firm recently supported the formation of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste, an initiative uniting more than thirty major companies that have committed to invest $1.5 billion over the next five years to eliminate plastic waste in the environment, especially in rivers and the ocean.

Bain & Company also takes its own role as a sustainability leader among global corporations very seriously.

The firm has been certified fully carbon neutral for seven years in a row; its total direct emissions falling by 70 percent since 2011—due in large part to sourcing 96 percent of electricty from renewables—with a goal of reaching a 90 percent reduction by 2040.

In both 2018 and 2019, Bain & Company received the highest recognition, a gold designation, from EcoVadis, keeper of the leading environmental, social and ethical performance scorecard for global supply chains, putting the firm among the top 5 percent of companies rated.

Bain & Company is also regularly ranked as one of the best places to work, and the firm strives everyday to improve on these and other important aspects of sustainability including diversity and inclusion, responsible procurement, employee health and wellness, ethics, and governance.
