


贝恩公司资深全球合伙人、亚太区金融服务业务主席Henrik Naujoks表示,Stratos是由贝恩公司在金融业首创、以联盟成员为主导的专为卓越的女性领导者打造的交流平台。2022年,在贝恩以及各国金融企业高管的大力支持下,Stratos在欧洲、中东和非洲地区推出并且快速发展,成员持续壮大。非常高兴Stratos能够拓展至亚太地区,未来,我们将举办更多主题活动,协助亚太地区女性领导者拓展人际关系,交流真知灼见,积极推动行业变革。

贝恩公司全球合伙人、Stratos亚太区联合负责人Priscilla Dell'Orto指出,贝恩研究发现,在欧洲、中东和非洲地区,金融业仅有不到1/3的CEO和20%的执行委员会成员是女性领导者,并且每年的增幅仅为1-2%。目睹Stratos的诞生和成长,以及如今在亚太地区的落地开花,我倍感欣喜,展望未来,随着Stratos进一步扩展,我也非常期待能为新阶段贡献力量。


Stratos成员、星展银行机构银行业务负责人谭素姗(Tan Su Shan)表示,“Stratos将成为推动金融业积极变革的重要平台,并将持续为业内女性搭桥铺路。” 安联集团亚太CEO Anusha Thavarajah说道,“通过Stratos,我将继续努力支持、培养金融业的未来女性领导人。”

去年9月,Stratos的创始成员们成立了金融业内首创的Stratos CEO俱乐部。该俱乐部秉承以成员为主导的发展愿景,旨在建立相互信任和支持的金融业女性领导者社区,并打造金融业女性CEO人才梯队。在Stratos CEO俱乐部,女性CEO纷纷施展才华、发起倡议,参与制定2050年世界经济论坛的主题。

此外,贝恩公司携手Stratos CEO俱乐部创立了Stratos学院。在Stratos学院,富有影响力和潜力的金融业女性领导者有机会与全球范围内的专业培训师、行业领袖们面对面以及线上交流,获得C级高管的悉心指导,并跻身颇具影响力的商业领袖圈层。近期,在伦敦举办的Stratos学院活动上,有参与者说道,“对我而言,这次活动是职业生涯中千载难逢的学习机会,能够和志同道合的人在一起让我感觉充满活力”。

Stratos主要创始人、英杰华集团CEO Amanda Blanc表示, 作为重要的行业联盟,Stratos为金融业杰出的女性领袖提供关键的支持和鼓励,我也将结合在这个过程中所汲取的见解,支持金融业职场女性释放潜能,为行业贡献更多女性力量。

Bain & Company recently announced the expansion to the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region of Stratos, a unique, industry-first and member-led initiative pioneered by Bain with the ambition of bringing together C-Suite women executives in financial services to accelerate the sector’s progress towards gender parity.

Read more about Stratos

"I couldn’t be more excited to announce Stratos in Asia-Pacific – a powerful and exclusive new space connecting bold female leaders in financial services. Since its inception in EMEA last year, and with the backing of Bain & Company – as well as from CEO and C-Suite members from financial firms across the UK and European industries – Stratos has seen rapid growth in its membership." said Henrik Naujoks, the Senior Partner and Head of Asia Pacific Financial Services practice.

"Bain research found that fewer than one-third of CEOs in financial services identified as female, and just 20% of executive committee members in FS were women in EMEA. And this number was growing at just 1-2% a year. We’ve had huge support from both within Bain and from the women FS leaders, including Amanda Blanc and many others, who’ve joined with us to make this network and its goals a reality. It’s thrilling to see how rapidly Stratos has grown and developed in EMEA – and now with its expansion to Asia-Pacific, and we’re hugely excited to support the next stages of Stratos’ success as it continues to expand." said Priscilla Dell’Orto, the Partner and APAC co-leader for Stratos.

Recently the expansion of Stratos in APAC with a pan-Asian, online event being joined by an array of senior women financial executives from across the region, with member representation from FS businesses in Singapore, Australia, India, Indonesia, Philippines, South Korea and Thailand, builds on the considerable success achieved by Stratos since its initial 2022 launch in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), with the goals of enabling women FS leaders to expand their networks, discover shared ambitions, and champion the next generation of female leadership throughout the industry.

Su Shan Tan, Group Head of Institutional Banking at DBS Bank, who is taking part in the APAC launch event, said: “Stratos will be a great platform to drive positive change in the industry and continue to pave the way for women in financial services.”

Anusha Thavara, Regional CEO for Asia-Pacific at Allianz, who is also joining the event, commented: “This initiative will allow me to continue to champion the next generation of female leaders in the financial services industry.”

Among Bain’s partner team attending the APAC launch will be Nishma Gosrani, Seow-Chien Chew, leader of the firm’s Southeast Asia Financial Services practice and APAC co-leader for Stratos, and Priscilla Dell’Orto, APAC co-leader for Stratos and head of the firm’s Asia-Pacific Customer practice, who works extensively with FS clients on strategy and customer-centric transformation.

Priscilla added: “Stratos in Asia-Pacific will allow female senior executives in finance to have a space to learn from one another and collaborate in a way not yet available in the region.”

The ground-breaking initiative has won loud praise from dozens of industry participants at its keynote events, with plaudits not only for its promotion of gender parity in financial services but also for spearheading thought leadership on the most pressing concerns for the sector and wider society – from diversity and cybersecurity to decarbonization and issues affecting emerging markets. Stratos and its members seek to serve as a collective force for positive change in the sector and beyond with the shared belief that a diverse workforce is good for business – for customers, profitability, investors and workplace culture.

Last September, the initiative’s founding members launched its industry-first Stratos CEO Club, an exclusive network where female CEOs in financial services combine their talents and convening power to help shape the 2050 World Economic Forum themes. Stratos CEO Club members have mapped out a member-led vision for their efforts to emphasize building a strong community of female FS leaders through the initiative, creating a space for trust and support and fostering the talent pipeline for the next, enlarged generation of female CEOs in the sector.

In conjunction, Bain and the Stratos CEO Club have since also successfully created the Stratos Academy, an invitation-only network of inspiring, high-potential women FS leaders that provide opportunities for in-person training and virtual networking events with world-leading trainers and industry leaders, offering coaching in CEO-level leadership and participation in a powerful and exclusive network of leaders.

Amanda Blanc, Group CEO of Aviva, one of the initiative’s main founders, commented: “I am delighted to be a founding member of Stratos. This is an important initiative that provides crucial support and encouragement for the amazing women who will be the financial services leaders of the future.

The success of Stratos’ recent Stratos Academy event in London is reflected in an outpouring of enthusiastic feedback from Academy participants who attended. One commented: “So energizing to be with like-minded people – it made it seem that things that yesterday were out of reach are within the art of the possible.” Another said that the event “felt like a once in a (working) lifetime opportunity”.
